Save the date: ISC23NL, September 1-3, 2023!
WOOOOHOOOO…We are proud to announce that The Netherlands will host ‘International Sketchnote Camp 2023’ (ISC23NL) in Leiden. An old city with a rich history, hundreds of monuments and museums, lovely canals, a bustling city centre and many alleys to discover interesting details.
Sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed about ticket sales!
We are busy behind the scenes. Keep following us on social media (Instagram & LinkedIn), #ISC23NL, interact with us and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the ticket sales.
And of course, take a look at this website! We will gradually add more information to this website over the coming months towards the ISC23NL-event!
For now, the ISC23NL team wishes you a wonderful Valentine’s day.