120 Participants from 14 Countries

May 8, 2023Event update

In the last 14 days, we revealed all the participating countries on our Instagram-account, but something was missing from the images… PEOPLE 🙂 so hereby the last one with all of you guys and girls in it to complete this series 😊

‌A diverse community driven by a common interest

With 120 participants from 14 countries, we come together as a diverse community driven by a common interest, Visual Thinkers with a passion for learning and a desire to be inspired. We believe that by exploring, experimenting, and supporting each other, we can improve our skills and knowledge. The community is not limited to the ISC; we welcome everyone, including visual thinkers who cannot attend the event, to connect, exchange ideas, and contribute to our collective growth. Let’s take the first step to CONNECT!

‌How would you like to connect with the ISC-community?

We would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on how we can reach out to others we haven’t met yet. So don’t be shy and share your thoughts with us! While you share your input, the ISC23NL Team will continue working behind the scenes😊

Stay tuned!

Have a great week!!!

Summary of the participants:

Finland: 1


Ukraine: 1

Spain: 1

Sweden: 1

Austria: 2

Belgium: 3

Saudi Arabia: 3

Poland: 4

United Kingdom: 5


France: 10

Germany: 15

The Netherlands: 68

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International Sketchnote Camp 2023 (ISC23NL) is happening in Leiden | The Netherlands in the weekend of September 1-3, 2023.

More information about the event can be found here. Do you want to stay informed about important event updatesSubscribe to our newsletter!